Road to Howhere - nouvelle vague

There's a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it's all right
And it's very far away
But it's growing day by day
And it's all right

Oh we're on a road to nowhere
Oh come on inside
Taking that ride to nowhere
Oh we'll take that ride

I'm feeling okay this morning
And you know
We're on the road to paradise
Here we go, here we go

We're on a road to nowhere
Oh come on inside
Taking that ride to nowhere
Oh we'll take that ride

Maybe you wonder where you are
I don't care
Oh here is where time is on our side
Take you there, take you there

obrigada prin´s!

uma fotografia. fez-me sorrir, fez meu coração murchar e ficar pequenino, emocionou-me e entristeci. já perdi tudo o que nos marcou... mas não esqueci, ainda há dias em que me pergunto porquê.

vou-me silenciar e fechar a janela que me trouxe a saudade...